Healthy Ageing Resolutions for 2024

The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare
The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

Healthy Ageing Resolutions for 2024

As we step into 2024, it’s the perfect time to make resolutions for healthy ageing. While delving into the specifics of these resolutions, everyone’s journey towards growing old healthy is unique and the key is to make sustainable changes that align with personal preferences and needs. When maintaining physical and mental well-being is prioritised, it creates an environment that supports healthy ageing. A life filled with vitality, happiness, and overall health is possible for every individual when certain resolutions are taken into account.

75 years ago one in two people died before the age of 65. These days, fewer than one in seven people do so.

Prioritise Regular Exercise

Healthy Ageing Resolutions for 2024

Physical activity is a cornerstone of healthy ageing. Commit to a resolution of staying active in 2024, whether it’s daily walks, gentle yoga, or joining a local seniors’ fitness class, find an activity that suits certain abilities and interests. There are a range of benefits associated with this. Regular exercise helps maintain muscle mass, improve balance, and boost cardiovascular health. It can also combat feelings of loneliness by providing opportunities for social interaction with fellow participants. It is best to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine, this ensures that the activity won’t interfere with any current medical conditions or ailments, preventing complications.

Maintain a Nutrient-Rich Diet

Healthy Ageing Resolutions for 2024

Eating well is another vital component of ageing gracefully. Consider making dietary resolutions in 2024 to improve nutrition. Aim to incorporate a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables into meals, as they are rich in essential vitamins and antioxidants. Whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats should also be part of the daily intake. Stews are a great dinner option for cold winter evenings and can be filled with root vegetables and lentils. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and limit the consumption of sugary and processed foods. Nutrition plays a significant role in maintaining cognitive function and preventing chronic illnesses, so make it a priority this year.

Foster Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

Healthy Ageing Resolutions for 2024

Healthy ageing extends beyond the physical realm and encompasses mental and emotional wellbeing too. By engaging in activities that stimulate your brain, such as reading, puzzles, or learning a new skill, it promotes a healthy mind and prevents stress. Staying socially connected or participating in community activities can maintain relationships with family and friends. Consider seeking professional support if dealing with mental health issues like anxiety or depression. Remember, taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. If your mind is not well, then your physical body is more susceptible to illnesses.

Care 24-7

The Care 24-7 team applies the right skills and knowledge to determine what support is needed. Our main priority is that this service fits easily into people’s lives and is immediately responsive to any changes in need that occur.
Our service is designed to support people to be as independent as possible, enabling them to regain or maintain their quality of life in their own home.
Our team’s understanding of specific needs ensures a healthy and thriving environment for all.

The Importance of Nutrition in Homecare

By embarking on this healthy journey in 2024, remember that small steps can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being. Prioritise regular exercise, maintain a nutrient-rich diet, and foster mental and emotional health to ensure ageing gracefully and healthily. Care 24-7 is here to support that journey to a happier, healthier life as a senior. Let’s make 2024 a year filled with vitality and joy where age truly becomes just a number.

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The Heartwarming Effects of Pet Therapy for Seniors

The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare
The Heartwarming Effects of Pet Therapy for Seniors

The Heartwarming Effects of Pet Therapy for Seniors

For many seniors in care facilities or living independently, there’s something profoundly comforting about the timeless bond between humans and animals. A bond that has the power to bring immeasurable joy, comfort, and healing to the lives of our elderly loved ones. The heartwarming effects of pet therapy for seniors can enrich the lives of loved ones. It can add to the already many benefits of homecare to create a fulfilling life. The unique bond between seniors and their animal companions fosters a holistic approach to well-being, promoting not only physical fitness but also mental and emotional resilience.

Pet therapy isn’t just a feel-good concept; it’s backed by solid scientific evidence. Numerous studies have shown that interacting with animals can have a range of positive effects on seniors’ physical and mental well-being.

One survey, by The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI), showed that 74% of pet owners reported mental health improvements from pet ownership. One of the mental health benefits of owning a pet is lower stress levels.

How to Incorporate Pet Therapy at Home

The Heartwarming Effects of Pet Therapy for Seniors
  • Start by selecting a pet that matches the senior’s personality, physical abilities, and living situation. Smaller dogs or cats are often a good choice for those in smaller living spaces, while larger, more active dogs may be suitable for those with more space and mobility.
  • Periodically assess how well the senior is coping with the responsibilities of pet ownership and the overall impact on their well-being. Adjustments may be necessary as the needs change.
  • Ensure that the home is pet-friendly by removing potential hazards and securing dangerous items out of reach. This includes toxic plants, chemicals, and small objects that a pet could swallow.
  • Seniors may need assistance with exercising their pets. Make sure the senior can handle the physical demands of the pet’s exercise needs. Walking a dog, for example, can be an excellent form of exercise for both them and the pet.

Care 24-7

The Care 24-7 team use the right skills and knowledge to care for your loved one. It is crucially important that care is received from the right people and the Care 24-7 team understand and appreciate that the right culture is essential in any care setting. They work with local NHS, council and private clients to ensure that person-centred care plans are developed to meet individual needs. Find Out More

The Benefits of Music Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

Boosting Mental and Emotional Well-being

The Heartwarming Effects of Pet Therapy for Seniors

Aging can sometimes bring about cognitive challenges such as dementia and depression. Pet therapy has been shown to boost mental and emotional well-being in seniors. The interaction with animals can stimulate memory, improve mood, and provide a sense of purpose and routine, making each day a bit brighter for our elderly loved ones.

  • Stress Reduction: Interacting with animals, whether through petting, cuddling, or simply being in their presence, triggers the release of oxytocin and reduces stress hormone levels in the body. This calming effect can help loved ones manage daily stressors and maintain a more relaxed state of mind.
  • Alleviation of Loneliness: Loneliness is a prevalent issue, especially those living alone or in care facilities. Pets offer constant companionship and unconditional love, providing seniors with a deep sense of connection that combats feelings of isolation and loneliness.
  • Sense of Purpose: Caring for a pet gives loved ones a sense of purpose and responsibility. This responsibility can be especially vital for those who have retired or experienced a loss of daily routine. Knowing that a pet relies on them for care and attention can boost self-esteem and provide motivation.
  • Cognitive Stimulation: Interacting with pets requires seniors to engage their cognitive faculties, such as remembering feeding schedules, teaching tricks, or responding to their pet’s cues. This mental engagement can help maintain cognitive function and stimulate memory.

Physical Benefits of Pet Interaction

The Heartwarming Effects of Pet Therapy for Seniors

Beyond the emotional and mental advantages, pet therapy can also have tangible physical benefits for seniors. Activities like walking a dog or simply petting a cat can encourage them to stay active, increase their mobility, and even improve their overall physical health. These small actions can lead to significant improvements in their quality of life.

  • Increased Physical Activity: Caring for a pet, especially dogs, often involves activities like walking, playing, and grooming. These activities encourage seniors to engage in regular physical exercise, especially during the cold winter months which is essential for maintaining mobility and strength.
  • Improved Cardiovascular Health: The physical exertion associated with activities such as walking a dog can lead to improved cardiovascular health. Regular exercise helps lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and increase overall heart health.
  • Reduced Risk of Depression: The companionship of a pet can lower the risk of depression and improve mental well-being. Loved ones who experience fewer symptoms of depression are more likely to engage in physical activities and take better care of their overall health.
  • Pain Distraction: Pets can serve as a pleasant distraction from chronic pain. Seniors may find comfort and solace in their pet’s presence, reducing the focus on physical discomfort.

Pet therapy for seniors offers a multifaceted approach to enhancing their overall well-being. Through the physical, mental, and emotional benefits it brings, it becomes evident that the companionship of animals holds tremendous potential to improve the lives of our elderly loved ones. Seniors not only experience reduced stress, enhanced cardiovascular health, and increased physical activity by caring for their pets, but they also gain a sense of purpose and reduced feelings of loneliness. This winter, why not consider a pet for your loved one to help keep them company over the holiday season.

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The Benefits of Music Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare
The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

The Benefits of Music Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

The benefits of music therapy for seniors receiving homecare is profound. This kind of therapy has an impact on their physical, emotional, and cognitive well-being. The art of music can be a beacon of hope, joy, and healing in the golden years of life. It is extremely beneficial within a care setting and there are various ways to implement it into the homecare setting.

There are around 800 registered music therapists in the UK. This helps regulate emotion as well as social and relational communication with loved ones and carers.

Research indicates a decrease in the use of medication for individuals receiving music therapy more than for those not receiving music therapy. 

Research also found that persons over 60 who only began to learn to play the piano and continued during 6 months showed improved results in working memory tests as well as tests of motor skills and perceptual speed, in comparison to a control group without treatment.

What is Music Therapy?

The Benefits of Music Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

Music therapy is a holistic and evidence-based healthcare practice that utilises the power of music to address a wide range of physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs. Certified therapists sing, play instruments, and listen to music, to engage individuals in therapeutic experiences tailored to their specific goals and challenges.

It has been found effective in numerous settings, including hospitals, schools, and rehabilitation centers. It is particularly valuable for individuals of all ages, from children with developmental disorders to seniors with dementia, as it provides a non-verbal means of communication and can significantly improve overall well-being and quality of life. Some of the benefits of this therapy include:

  • Promotes relaxation and manages stress
  • Encourages emotional expression
  • Provides cognitive stimulation
  • Social interaction
  • Supports individuals in times of loss / trauma
  • Improves communication and speech

Implementing Music Therapy in Homecare

The Benefits of Music Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

Implementing music therapy in a homecare setting involves several crucial steps to ensure that seniors receive the maximum benefits from this therapeutic approach. By working closely with qualified therapists and integrating it into daily routines, seniors can experience the numerous benefits that it offers in the comfort of their own homes.

Therapists will continually assess the individual’s progress throughout the therapy sessions to address evolving needs and goals. Regular communication between the music therapist, caregivers, and other healthcare professionals involved in the care ensures that the therapy remains effective and responsive to the individual’s changing circumstances. Ways to implement this therapy include:

  • Find qualified therapists in the local area here.
  • Tailor therapy plans
  • Integrate it into daily care routines
  • Monitor progress

Care 24-7

The Care 24-7 team use the right skills and knowledge to care for your loved one. It is crucially important that care is received from the right people and the Care 24-7 team understand and appreciate that the right culture is essential in any care setting. They work with local NHS, council and private clients to ensure that person-centred care plans are developed to meet individual needs.

The Benefits of Music Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

Implementing music therapy can be a transformative and highly beneficial approach for individuals receiving homecare. By working with certified therapists, tailoring individualised therapy plans, integrating it into daily routines and monitoring progress, individuals can experience the profound advantages of this therapeutic modality.

Music therapy not only enhances cognitive function, emotional well-being, and social connection but also brings joy and comfort, promoting a higher quality of life. It stands out as a powerful tool, making homecare an even more meaningful and fulfilling experience.

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The Benefits of Socialisation for Seniors Receiving Homecare

5 tips on finding the right homecare provider
The Benefits of Socialisation for Seniors Receiving Homecare

The Benefits of Socialisation for Seniors Receiving Homecare

Socialisation is a vital part of life, and this especially holds true for seniors. For homecare recipients, forging meaningful relationships and actively taking part in the community can be a challenging task; however, it is beneficial to maintain an active social life as research has found that those with strong social networks experience fewer health issues than their isolated peers. The benefits of socialisation for seniors receiving homecare are vast and it creates a world that is bigger with more opportunities for everyone.

Reduced feelings of isolation

As we age, it’s important to maintain social connections to keep our spirits high and reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. This is especially important for those who receive homecare, as they may have limited opportunities to interact with others throughout the day.

Socialisation can provide a range of benefits for older adults, including keeping their minds engaged, improving overall wellbeing, and decreasing the risk of depression. Joining a community group, or simply going for a coffee with friends and family, there are many ways to stay connected with others in order for seniors to thrive.

Did You Know?

50% of individuals aged over 60 are at risk of social isolation and one-third will experience some degree of loneliness later in life.

The Benefits of Socialisation for Seniors Receiving Homecare

Improves mental health

Not only does it provide opportunities for seniors to connect with others and form meaningful relationships, but it can also have a positive impact on mental health. It can boost mood, and even improve physical health. Engaging in social activities and forming meaningful relationships can reduce the risk of depression and anxiety.

Socialisation improves memory function and helps to maintain a positive outlook on life. It allows people to feel connected to their community and to continue to learn and grow. Whether it’s joining a local book club, or volunteering at a nearby charity, it is evident these are all important elements in maintaining good mental health.

Ways to stay connected:

• Technology-based communication such as smart phones can be used for video calls.
• Focus on relationships or activities that are enjoyable.
• Volunteer to meet others and share experiences.
• Consider caring for a cat, dog or bird which can help give structure to the day and be a catalyst for social interaction.

Enhances cognitive function and physical health

Not only does it provide an opportunity to form new relationships but it also offers a range of cognitive benefits. Socialising has been found to help improve memory, language skills, and problem-solving abilities as cognitive function declines with age. By engaging in activities that allow connection with others, they can maintain and even enhance their cognitive abilities, helping to improve their overall quality of life.

High blood pressure and high cholesterol are factors associated with increased risk of accelerated decline in thinking skills in later life. This shows the importance of interacting with other people and remaining social as we age. Cultivating connections with people of different ages, for example by staying in touch with grandchildren, keeps the brain young, playful and active. This keeps stress levels down and blood pressure healthy and normal.

Elderly woman and young woman together and Caring for a Loved One with Dementia: Tips and Strategies

At Care 24-7, we employ people living locally to serve our communities and businesses. We work closely with local communities ensuring that services meet the diverse and cultural needs of everyone. Our team’s understanding of the community means they can engage with people and access local amenities easily, encouraging socialisation and interaction within the community.

Taking the time to encourage meaningful social activity and interaction among the elderly will bring with it numerous health and well-being benefits. Companionship, support, and relationship building are all part of this experience, which together helps to combat loneliness commonly associated with elderly care at home. Finding outlets to participate in and taking part in activities that are enjoyable, empowers seniors to live fulfilled lives and improves their cognitive function and mental health. It’s never too late to let connections begin or grow.

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